
Please tell me how to use Healer effectively?


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The healer is most commonly used with giants.
To use healer effectively during attacks, you have to take note of the placement of the air defenses on the enemy’s base.
Air defenses can kill your healers quickly and loses your chance of winning the battle. Before you drop healers to support your giants, make sure the air defenses are already destroyed.
You can use the healing spell first to prevent your giants from dying in the early part of the battle.
Then, when the air defenses are out, drop your healer as to where your giants are to start healing them.
Other defense buildings like the archer tower and the wizard tower can also target your healers.
However, these two buildings can also attack ground targets so if you have your giants in front of your healer or healers, then they will target your giants first, unlike that of the air defense that concentrates their target solely on air troops.

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